Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

2 Courses

1 Subject

Week 5 - Discussion 2

Week 5 - Discussion 2

Q When companies expand into the international arena, they do so either because their home market has matured or because they see real opportunities in the foreign market. Discuss which kinds of international strategies are most appropriate for companies in the following domestic industries: • Producing movies • Software • Management consulting • Breakfast cereals • School of business

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The organizations as well as the business associations which expect to grow need to mull over various issues. Such issues incorporate the inadequacies and also the positives that are related with the extension. The organization thus should exploit the open doors that go along as they address the dangers genially. The systems for the different enterprises are as per the following (Abraham, 2012).